brycie girl is 7 months old!!! she has been soooo busy this last month....
what she's up to these days...
*sitting up on her own
*OFFICIALLY crawling!!
*her two bottom teeth have come in and i think more will be coming in shortly
*reaching out for us to pick her up...i love this! this is something i've actually been waiting for!
*loves to pull herself up while holding our hands and stand...she has such strong legs
*enjoying her social dates and story time at the library...i am so excited b/c in februrary we will begin Kindermusik classes. i can't wait!
*loves baby food and still hasn't turned any food down...shocker, i know!
*we went on our first airplane ride to Texas. she did really well on the plane, which was a relief.
*two naps a in the morning usually for an hour or hour and half and one in the afternoon usually two hours
*still in size three diaper
*wearing 9 months to 12 months in clothes
*four bottles a day...5-6oz
*bedtime at 6:45-7:00PM and wakes up around 6-7:00AM
*likes to drink from her sippy cup where she usually has to take several breaks and sigh b/c it's just such hard work