*my favorite, and of course the most important of all, her first official word was "MAMA," it absolutely melted my heart and was the best thing in the world (she said it for the first time today)!!!! loved it!!! can't wait to hear it more! (and now i can quit annoying everyone around me by saying "mama" nonstop, but see it paid off, ha!!!)
*she is crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling up on EVERYTHING, we had to begin the hard core baby proofing b/c she is into absolutely everything and if she can get her hands on it, it goes in her mouth!
*she can open cabinets, crawl up & down a small step we have in the house, pull up on window sills, pull up on the fire place, run away from us and many other big girl things!
*she smiles constantly, such a happy baby!!!
*becoming extremely social...loves to be around people, especially other kids, she smiles and babbles at them, pretty cute!
*has been on an airplane a few times as we made our way to Texas!!!
*still a good eater, hasn't turned anything down yet...taking 3 bottles a day, 7oz. each, dining on baby food for lunch and dinner, with a snack thrown in there somewhere, about to begin introducing some table food
* her two top teeth have broken through
*insanely in love with mickey mouse...she loves the mickey mouse clubhouse and when the 'hot dog dance' starts going, she grunts and groans and is locked in, complete concentration...stalker :)!!!
*is now clapping
*crazy about books, loves to be read to and also likes to just sit and rummage through one by herself
*loves tv, totally my fault, it's on all the time, oops!!
*celebrated her first christmas and hanukkah...was totally spoiled by all the family, she is definitely loved by many
*taking two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, anywhere between an hour and two hours each...everyday is different
*wearing size 4 huggies, 12 month clothes
*definitely has some sass to her, we're a little worried what lays ahead for us!!!! :)...she is quickly learning the words "no," "soft," "be nice with mommy's hair, necklace, glasses, etc," "sweet with the puppy, bryce, don't grab his hair!!"
*has the BEST laugh, goodness, it is the best thing and it's so loud!
*so cuddly at nighttime right before bed, she just lays her head on your shoulder and snuggles in for some lovin'....